Rongmei Naga Baptist Association

The first missionary of the Gospel of Jesus Christ came to Manipur on 6th February 1894. William Pettigrew from England was the torch bearer to light into the deep darkness of Manipur. The first person God picked up to light among the Zeliangrong who were in darkness was Mr. Namrijinang alias Maipak kahmei, he received Jesus as his personal Saviour and committed his life in preaching about Him among his own people (Zeliangrong) in 1921. The first church of Jesus Christ was planted in Kaikao and shifted to Sempang Village in the same year but the active church was organized in 1915 after Maipak (Namrijinang) was Baptised in the hand of U.M. Fox in Dec. 6th 1915.
With the resolution of the Churches delegate Annual Meeting of February 10th -12th. 1976. The Rongmei speaking group has banded together and founded Rongmei Churches Fellowship in 3rd Feb. 1976. Bolongdai was chosen as their head quarters. Nevertheless after 9th nine years of practical experiences in their respective fields as fellowship under ZBA (M), the representatives of the Zeliangrong Churches were in the opinion that up gradation from the Zeliangrong Baptist Association to Zeliangrong Baptist Churches Council by elevating the four fellowship to the level Association in the simultaneous action taken in the Annual delegate meeting of December 17th -18th 1985. Accordingly, the Rongmei of Assam and Nagaland has taken unanimous decision and formed planning committee of the Association. December 3rd 1985 was the day on which planning committee convened a delegates meeting at Bethel Baptist Church, Tamenglong Head Quarter with 30 thirty representatives. Decision has been taken after pros and con discussion to constitute the framework and structure of the Association.
The year 1985 was the turning point for the Rongmei Naga Baptist Association, which came into effect the full shape in 1986. This was the significant breakthrough of the resolution of ZBA (M) 1985. The final decision and materialization have come into exist in the delegates meeting held on Jan. 7th – 10th 1986 resolution No. 11. At Longmai 2 Baptist Church with 194 delegates from 75 Churches. The structural proposed of the planning committee was approved with slight modification on that meeting. The Almighty God has guided the people of Rongmei to rebuild and turn to new leaf inspiring in their own volition in the name of Christ Jesus and founded then.
May 28th 1986 at Tamenglong Baptist Church marked the foundation day on which the Rongmei Naga Baptist Association was inaugurated by Rev. Kaiba Riamei encouraged and made confirm the RNBA as a backbone of ZBCC by his presence on the inaugural day as minister. Through the foundation of RNBA, many of the lukewarm Christian among the Rongmei People could be drawn to the local areas of Church activities. From the time of inception this big Association banded together by 145 member churches for the Gospel ministry have been rendering magnanimous services towards soul winning programme to the organized Churches.
The following have provided good leadership of various capacities from
the inaugural day:
1. Rev. Lanchungrei Pamei Executive Secretary
2. Mr. Thuankubui Pamei Finance Secretary
3. Rev. Mp. Namthiurei Superintending Pastor
4. Mr. Apan Panmei Youth Secretary
5. Miss Achung Gangmei Women Secretary (Incharge)
6. Mr. Poulian Kahmei Missionary
7. Mr. K. Gainingdun Evangelist
8. Mr. K. Riman Finance Promoter
9. Mr. R. Khanglen Edn. Litt. Secretary
1. Providing fellowship and sharing resources to build up one another.
2. Maintaining and strengthening the bond of unity in faith and
3. Evangelizing and disciplining of the people.
4. Engaging in all round development works like education, social
Welfare relief, health care, Women & Child programmes.
5. To coordinate and cooperate with national and International Baptist
Churches and Evangelical organizations of like faith.
6. To run Training Institute, Theological, Vocational and Health care.
- To set up a common ecclesiastical body to guide the member churches in Doctrine and practice.
- To ordain and License ministers of the gospel and to employ workers and Minister, to preach, teach, and administer ordinances and to officiate in Marriage within the member churches.
3. To hold conferences to promote fellowship and enrich faith.
4. To send out Evangelists and Missionaries in home and abroad. And to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
5. To publish, control and distribute Christian literature.
6. To conduct and manage Christian education programs among the member Churches.
7. To run and manage educational institute, vocational training institute and social welfare project.
8. To operate relief works
9. To run social economic development project and health care project.
10. To raise and administer fund for the accomplishment of the objective set forth herein
11. To possess legal right and to procure, own and sell properties both movable and immovable.
12. To sue and be sued through its legal agents.
13. To advice member churches in matter referred to it and decide dispute when requested to do so, by the parties concern.
14. To coordinate and maintain relationship with the other Christian bodies/organizations.
15. To coordinate the missionary works