The Mission and Evangelism has been the driving force and the main purpose of the Rongmei Naga Baptist Association (RNBA). And on this foundation our Association was formed in 1986.
With the formation of the Association in 1986, one Missionary and one Evangelist were appointed and started the work of Evangelism. In pursuance of the Annual Assembly resolution of the Association held in 1991, our Mission and Evangelism Department was created in 1995. From 1986 till 1994 Mission and Evangelism work was look after by the Executive Secretary of the Association. Till today the work of Evangelism is in full swing with progress with 89 missionaries and evangelists in the fields, in India and abroad.
Main functions of the Mission and Evangelism Department:
1. To raise fund and support mission and evangelism work.
2. To plan and expand mission and evangelism work by opening new fields and plant churches.
3. To promote holistic development in the fields newly established
Fellowships and churches.
4. To act for and represent the Association in all the mission related
Programmes and activities wherever and whenever needed.
RNBA Mission and Evangelism Department has the following Mission Fields where 89 churches sponsored and more than 20 individuals’ sponsors missionaries and evangelists are working.
1) Home/ within the State Mission Fields
i) Manipur Valley/Jiribam Areas
ii) Manipur Hill Areas
2) Outside the State Mission Fields
i) Orissa
ii) West Bengal
iii) Assam
3) Foreign Mission Fields
i) Myanmar
ii) China
iii) New Guinea
The Christian Converts in those fields since 1986 till date is 1,570.
RNBA Mission and Evangelism Department has the following Mission Projects and Centres:
1. Ruangdai Citrus Farm, at Ruangdai village.
2. Longmai 2: Fishery and Banana Farms
3. RNBA Mission House, Jiribam.
4. Delhi Rongmei Christian Fellowship
5. Bangalore Rongmei Christian Fellowship
6. Hyderabad Rongmei Christian Fellowship
RNBA Mission and Evangelism Department Future Plans and Projects:
1. Mission expansion within the country and abroad by opening new mission centres and stations through networking with partners’ organizations.
2. To mobilize the Churches for the active involement in the Great Commission
of the Lord.
3. To work harder with wholistic development approach to Mission and Evangelism work for more progress so as to enable Rongmei tribe to celebrate Rongmei Passover by 2025.
4. To conduct Mission Conference, Seminar, Consultations, etc.
5. To form Mission Prayer Warrior to Strengthen Mission Department and its Mission Work.
6. To construct Mission Quarter for Mission Secy., etc.
7. To send One Missionary every year to Mission Field abroad
7. To make Income Generating Projects to create more funds for Mission and
Evangelism work.
Men Department
Men department is one of the unit departments of RNBA with one secretary. This department is responsible for carrying out the spiritual mobilization among the Men.
Activities of RNBA Men department:
1. To organize Bible class/camp & Seminar
2. To conduct social development and environment awareness etc.
3. To conduct social economic development to bring social economic change in the community
4. To extend help towards victims of natural calamities persecution & oppress etc.
Men Department objectives
1. To build up the spiritual life of every Baptist man.
2. To assist the Baptist Youth Fellowship and Women society.
3. To build leadership among the Baptist man
4. To be involved in the Dept. activities in the local & Association.
5. To be an instrument, backbone of the department and Association.
6. To involve in the mission and Evangelism
Following are the Men Department future Plan
1. Self-reliance project (SRP)
2. To start development project at Longmai Bazaar
3. To support missionary in 2015
4. To have Men fellowship in all the RNBA churches
Education Department
Christian Education and Literature department was formed in the year 1998 as it felt necessary to dealt with education and literature of the association. Education department mainly focused on the children ministry to provide Sunday school materials and VBS materials to impart spiritual knowledge and to teach them in God’s way. The intention is to lead the churches in uniformity on theological foundation.
Sunday school is a must in the church therefore this department took up a series of Church visitation making aware the value and necessary to run a Sunday school in every church. So far the Christian Education department able to supply for 70 Churches of Sunday school materials and VBS materials for 100 + churches. This Sunday school material comes from CEEFI supply centre Hyderabad, south India. CEEFI stand for Christian Education Evangelical Fellowship of India. And the VBS materials are from VBS ministry and supply centre Bangalore, south India. RNBA have been continuing to partnership since 30 years ago. We are very much thankful to both the supply centre for tireless effort to supply for the whole India.
Women Department
Dec. 9th 1955 at Azuram Baptist Church marked the formation of women society under Manipur Nort West Baptist Association No. 4 (Zeliangrong Baptist Association) on 10th Dec. 1976 the Rongmei speaking group has banded together and formed Rongmei Christian Fellowship (RCF) under Zeliangrong Baptist Association. In the year 1980 Rongmei Women Society has been formed. Latter Rongmei Naga Baptist Association (RNBA) has founded on May 28th 1986, thereafter Rongmei Women Union/Department were exist till date.
Activities and Achievement of RNBA women department:
1. Printing press project
2. Child Evangelism (Children Education support, Children Bible Class/VBS)
3. Women Bible Class/Study
4. Women Leadership Training
5. Pastor’s wives Training
6. Widow ministry (Widows Camp/Seminar)
7. Women Development Seminar
8. Mediation Skill Workshop
9. Women Action on HIV/Aids programme
10. Theological Scholarship support
11. and Vocational Training
Future plan of the Department and Upcoming Events:
1. To build one Commercial building
2. To establish Girl hostel
3. To expand Widow Ministry
4. To expand Children Educational Support Ministry
RNBA Pastor Council
RNBA Pastors Council was formed on 16th December 1986 at Rangkhung 1 Baptist Church. The council have fifteen members with one superintending Pastor to look after the administrative work
1. To Look after the Church administration
2. Conferred License and Ordination
3. Marriage
4. Baptism
5. Holy Communion
6. Pastor Installation